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Week 4: Go Beyond Appearance

5/22 to 5/31



We're continuing our shoutout contest this week with @nomadista_nutrition and @whitneyerd

We tend to think of health based on what we can visualize in front of us. Often times, that’s viewed in terms of our own individual appearance. But there are other aspects of health that we don’t directly see and must be more mindful of.

Because good health is, in fact, not defined by your size or any number on the scale: it’s about the relationship you have with yourself, and how your actions impact the rest of the world. We’re moving into our final week of the #letsseekthetruth initiative and shoutout contest, with the theme of "Go Beyond Appearance", where we will tackle 2 important areas:  

  • Self-compassion - From foods to self-care, we cannot do the things that keep us healthy without having a better relationship with ourselves.
  • Sustainability - Our choices can have a profound impact on both our personal health, as well as that of our planet’s.

1. Follow:

  • @wellseek
  • @truehealthinitiative
  • @nomadista_nutrition
  • @whitneyerd

2. Use hashtag #letsseekthetruth in your post

3. Share the ways how you have gratitude and compassion for your body, as well as how you're doing your part in saving the world!

4. Two winners will be reposted by all of us on May 31 in our IG stories, one on each topic.


  • Follow WellSeek on Facebook

  • Reshare any WellSeek articles on our feed this week that resonates with you with the hashtag #letsseekthetruth

  • Post any WellSeek article on your own feed that goes along with the Weekly Theme, tag WellSeek, and use the hashtag #letsseekthetruth


  • Follow @wellseekio and @TrueHealthINIT

  • Retweet any articles on WellSeek's or THI's Twitter feeds with the hashtag #letsseekthetruth

  • Share your own article that goes along with Weekly Theme + #letsseekthetruth + tag @wellseekio @TrueHealthINIT so we can retweet!